Our Time To Act utilizes our G.O.A.T. (grassroots organizing, advocacy, and trainings) changemaking model to engage and build youth power. We focus our work on the local level convening youth and our allies to shape a just present and future for San Diego. Our work is primarily centered around housing justice and youth-led transformative organizing.
Housing is a human right and we pursue housing justice in three main areas. These areas are Eliminating of Exclusionary Zoning, Enacting Social Housing, and Ending Youth Homelessness. The elimination of exclusionary zoning practices is absolutely essential to tackling lasting segregation and systemically racist housing practices in San Diego and beyond. Enacting social housing will allow for a future of affirmatively fair housing that creates more opportunity for youth of all backgrounds. While we strongly believe in the work of these two focus areas, we understand that change takes time. Youth are trying to survive the housing crisis now. That is why ending youth homelessness is an essential part of achieving housing justice.
Finally, we focus on building the capacity and skill of youth in transformative grassroots organizing through our flagship program the Civic Youth Action Network (CYAN). To learn more about CYAN check out the Organize Youth page on our website and get involved with CYAN's first campaign, focused on placing crucial limitations on the use of electronic price tagging to prevent price gouging at the grocery store.